institute of engineering & technology, lucknow
(an autonomous constituent institute of dr. A.P.J. Kalam technical university)
Student provisional registration form (2016-2017)

Student Details

*-Required Fields

(Except First Semester)

Parents Details

*-Required Fields

(If Any) alongwith relationship

Other Details

*-Required Fields

Hostel Request

*-Required Fields



I undertake that the information submitted is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I shall bear the consequences if any of them are found to be wrong.

Undertaking by the Student

I will attend all the classes from the opening day of the Institute and I will be regular and punctual to all the classes i.e (Theory/Practical) and i am aware that if I don’t secure attendance more than 75% I shall be detained and not allowed to appear for the Term End Examination.